Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Deer hunting?

hey i was wondering, yes i have never shot a compound bow in my life, but with alot of practice it being december 24, 2007 could i make it out to deer hunting by january 15 and take a deer? what do you think and merry christmas.Deer hunting?
hunting is way more than just operating a bow or gun. its about ultimately coming within range of the animal and the steps to get there. you should have a bowhunter show you the skills then its just repetition from there on out. depends on how quickly you learn and get it downDeer hunting?
I believe you could with your determination and attitude.* When you want it badly enough, you can make it happen.* Merry Christmas.* Best Regards.*
Yeah its possible if you have a background in shooting, and the bow is tuned in prior to your shooting. If not, I'd say you'd have to be lucky. BUt you never know until you try and just being out and away from the office is worth the try.

Hope that helps
I think it's a bad idea. You need a lot more practice than just a few weeks when using a bow. There is a very high potential that you'll wound and not kill it immediately. It's a bit irresponsible if you go hunting with such little archery experience. Don't mean to be a jerk but bow hunting is about accuracy and consistency.
i would forego this year and concentrate on next year. it is possible that you could go out and get one, however, the worst thing you can do is let one fly and miss, therefore spooking the deer, or worst yet is to hit the deer and not make a killing shot, wounding the deer and have him walk off. the thing i would do is to scout out the area that i intend to hunt, look for signs the indicate a deer's presence and practice. do you know what kind of arrowheads you intend on using? do you know the flight characteristics of your arrows? can you draw back and not make a sound? can you tell how far away the deer is before shooting? if you don't know these answers, then you are not ready for a hunting trip this year with a bow. bow hunting is more difficult than rifle hunting. you can't just go out and give it a try. you need to practice more with a bow than a rifle.
That depends on how much deer hunting expertise you have. You could also just get ridiculously lucky and have a blind and deaf 14 pointer walk into range, quarter away from you and stop for 20 minutes. Most likely scenario though is that you won't be able to get a decent one to come within bow range this year, but you always have next season. One things for sure though, you will definately shoot more being out in a stand than sitting at home watching Survivor or whatever you enjoy on the television.
I guess im just beating a dead horse...but it all depends on how much prior experience you have with the art of hunting an animal that has better sight, smell, hearing, and overall better situational awareness then us humans do. If you can get close to a deer with a rifle, then you can get close to a deer with any weapon. If you can get close then it all depends on how well you can manipulate your bow. A lot of factors that really dont effect you when your shooting a deer with a rifle at 30 yards will show up and ruin your day if your shooting a bow. GET OUT AND PRACTICE SHOOTING, and you will most definately be ready to kill a deer archer style come january 15. Merry Christmas
I think that if you practiced every day you could do it.I wouldn't recommend it with only 3 weeks of practice under your belt.If you shoot a deer and wound it,the blame falls directly on you,can you live with that,i couldnt.My suggestion is to focus on next year with your bow.But could you do it,yes I think you could but would it be ethical,that question is up to you
My recommendation would be this. Practice with the bow at the max range you would be shooting in the field (for me I will not ever shoot at a big game animal farther than 25 yards) AND closer. If you can consistently hit a 9'; paper plate, 4 out of 5 shots, you should be ok to hunt deer at that range. If you have ';fliers'; or pulled shots more than once out of every 5 I would forego this season and practice till next year.
There was a lady that started bow hunting, and just after a month she bagged either a record mule deer or elk. I can't remember now.

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